Monday 6 December 2010

'' My way is the best way ''

One of the biggest complaints that women have about men is that they don't help enough in household chores. I have seen some men who completely  avoid helping out at home. They think going to work and earning money is their job and looking after the family is women's job.

 Luckily, I am blessed with a husband who helps out equally in daily chores. But, still I am overloaded with housework as I always feel ''He just doesn't do it right like I do''.

Does it really matter whether he used a new dish cloth to wipe the dishes? Does it really make a difference if he runs the washing machine with the half load of clothes? Most of the time I complaint or end up doing the work again to my satisfaction and stressed up at the end of the day.

I know getting some help is better than none. I am really trying hard to accept his help without any complaint.
I admit, ditching the mentality of '' my best way'' is very difficult for me.

Saturday 30 October 2010

My first blog post!

Finally, I opened a blog now and this is my first blog post.I am eager to see what this blog turns into. I am hoping to share my thoughts, experience and travel stories with you.
Hey! they say that confession is good for your emotional health.OK!.....I am not a perfect wife or a perfect mother. Wow!! ...I feel better already.
Instead of saying all the good things I have done and pretend that I know everything about motherhood, I am going to come out with all the mistakes I made to come clean. After all parenting is a trial and error process.Do you agree with me?
Thanks for reading.